

SW-33PLUS SURECOM SW-33PLUS VHF/UHF 100W POWER & S.W.R. METER https://www.surecom.com.hk/product-page/sw-33plus-vhf-uhf-100w-power-s-w-r-meter   Features:  1 V.S.W.R. Forward  power direct digital readout, without any calibration.  2 V.S.W.R. REW  power direct digital readout, without any calibration.  3. Maximum measurable power range up to 100W.  4. 3 seconds check your antenna SWR , also check your radio RF power watt. 5.Easy to install handheld Radio  Specifications:  Measurable power range: 0.1-100W  Maximum power: 100W  Accuracy: mean + / - 5%  * Not for the DMR digital radio.  Specifications: MAX. Power in    100 WATT V.S.W.R    1.00:1~19.99:1 Frequency Range    125MHz~525MHz Insertion Loss    < 0.15dB(VHF) , < 0.25dB(UHF) Temperature    0℃~70℃ Battery Build -in     3.7V Li-ion Battery   Size(WHIT OUT SMA    25*25*60 (mm) Power  in     5V (micro usb) Interface (in and out )    SMA female Impedance:     50Ω     Weight    160g  Features function  Push red button and hold

SW28 HF | SURECOM | S.W.R. | Power meter |1.5-60MHz | SWR & Power Meter ...

SURECOM SW-28HF S.W.R. & Power meter 1.5-60MHz SWR & Power Meter This is a highly accurate RF meter for measuring Forward Power, Reflected Power, and V.S.W.R. Main Features: · O-LED meter display for easy reading. · Forward RF power readings, switchable to indicate either average power. · Reflected RF power readings. · V.S.W.R. ratios. · Convenient control for easy operation. Features: - According to the fitting algorithm of the characteristics of the detector diode, coupled with the dual-reference segment detection, the accuracy in the power range of 0-120 watts is better than 5%. - 5 kinds of interface display methods, choose according to your preferences, one-click switching. - High-speed average detection method, real-time efficiency display. - Buzzer alarm when a standing wave is greater than 2.0. - Built-in lithium battery, which can be used for more than 100 hours on a single charge. - Multi-function buttons make it more fun to use, reserve space for adding

SW-112 VU | 125-525MHz | V.S.W.R. meter | 409SHOP | SURECOM

SW-112 VU 125-525MHz V.S.W.R. meter Introduction V.S.W.R. Forward and reflected power direct digital readout, without any calibration. Maximum measurable power range up to 120W. low insertion loss (0.3 decibels or less) structure allows it to be permanently connected. All Function ( S.W.R, F.W, R.W,) Feature & Specification Frequency range (HF): 1.5-70MHz Frequency range (VU): 125-525MHz Measurable power range: 0 - 120W Measurable S.W.R range: 1.00:1~10:1 Maximum power: 120W Impedance: 50Ω Size: W 76 X H 77 X D35 mm. Weight: 220 grams Lamp DC in:5V-12V SW112VU ~ https://www.surecom.com.hk/copy-of-sw-102hf 📍Website: https://www.409shop.com / www.surecom.com.hk 📍Whatsapp: +852 54457217 📍Office: 852 31470212 📍YouTube: / 409shop409 📍Instagram: 409shop #surecom #walkietalkie #radio #SW112 # PowerMeter 字幕
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How to ConnectionSenhaix N60 and Bluetooth Speaker Microphone #41-99

How to ConnectionSenhaix N60 PoC 3G WiFi Bluetooth Android Mobile Radio and Bluetooth Speaker Microphone #41-99 -------------------------------------------------- Senhaix N60 PoC 3G WiFi Bluetooth Android Mobile Radio Product Features 1. OS-Android 2. Screen - 4.5 Touch LCD display 3. GPS Funtion(Logitute&Latitute Location) 4. WIFI 5. Bluetooth 6. Online Upgrade 7. Play Store 8. Phone Function 9. SOS Function 10. Zello ,409PTT,REALPTT APP 11. All Call, Group Call & Individual Call Senhaix N60 : https://www.409shop.com/409shop_product.php?id=124813 -------------------------------------------------- Bluetooth Speaker Microphone FOR Inrico T320 T298 Model No. 41-99: https://www.409shop.com/409shop_product.php?id=124797 website :http://www.409shop.com Whatsapp :+85254457217 Office: +852 31470212 -------------------------------------------------------- Follow Our Instagram! → https://www.instagram.com/409shop/?hl=zh-tw Subscribe to our YouTube Channel! → https://www.youtube.co

2018 New Baofeng DM-5R(RD-5R) TierI II DMR Support DMR

DM5R-MARKII 2018 New Baofeng DM-5R(RD-5R) TierI II DMR Support DMR Buy it now: https://www.409shop.com/409shop_product.php?userid=&usercat=&id=124469 Website:  http://www.409shop.com Whatsapp: +852 54457217 Office: 852 31470212 YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/409shop409 Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/409shop/?hl=zh-tw

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